How the Stars Stay in Shape Through the Holidays

Christie Brinkley, Kim Kardashian and Fergie reveal their diet secrets.

Dec. 6, 2010 — -- Most of us regular folks get through the holiday season one gingerbread man at a time (well OK, maybe more than one). But the stars? Their workout routines break for no celebration.

Just in time for the spate of baked hams and fruit cakes, a slew of celebrities are speaking out about how they stay in fighting shape, no matter the time of year. Below, check out their tips, put them to use and be able to button your pants come January:

Jane Fonda

She may be 72 years old, but nothing's slowing down Jane Fonda. While most of America was nursing a lingering turkey coma Nov. 30, Fonda put out two new fitness DVDs -- "Jane Fonda: Prime Time Walkout" and "Jane Fonda: Prime Time Fit & Strong." Both are targeted at the baby boomers who sweat it out to Fonda's first uber-successful fitness video, "Jane Fonda's Workout." "I'm very excited to be back in the fitness business," Fonda told People magazine about the "Prime Time" series. Before these DVDs, she hadn't released a new workout program since 1995. "I know from experience and from my research how critical it is for boomers and seniors to be physically active. Even if they've never exercised in their lives, now's the time, and my programs are a good, safe way to do it."

Christie Brinkley

Christie Brinkely keeps her body in top form with her Total Gym system. But when the 56-year-old supermodel and mom of three can't fit in a full workout, she turns everyday routines into toning sessions to get the job done. If she has to blow dry her blond locks, she does so in a squat position. When she's brushing her teeth, she's also toning her tush. Brinkely recently told, "I'll dry my hair as though I'm sitting on a chair, even though there's no chair there." She continued, "When I am brushing my teeth, I'm bending my leg behind me, or I'm lifting my leg up and holding it in that position so I'm squeezing my butt in. I can do that while I'm washing or slicing vegetables, too. Or I go up and down on my toes, working my calves a little bit."


Fergie's fierce frame doesn't come without sacrifice. Last week, at Billboard's annual Women in Music event in New York City, she told The Huffington Post that after pigging out at Thanksgiving, she's back to eating healthy and "working out like a mad woman." In the May issue of Elle magazine, the Black Eyed Peas singer, 35, opened up about how she stays away from not-so-good-for-you foods. "I'm not going to lie: There are times I play mind tricks on myself, like that the French fries are poison," she said. "With desserts, I'll let myself have just one bite, but I'll look like a freak when I'm eating it, like when I did Duncan Hines commercials as a kid, just savoring every morsel."

Kim Kardashian

But some celebrities do fall off the wagon. Post-Thanksgiving, Kim Kardashian took to Twitter to reveal that she's sweating it out again after an eight week break from the gym. "I hit the gym hard today!!!!," she tweeted on Nov. 26. "I fell off for 8 weeks in NYC BUT IM BAAAACKKKK!"

Last year, the 30-year-old reality TV star slimmed down from a size 6 to a size 2 before the launch of her fitness DVD, "Fit in Your Jeans by Friday." She shed weight and toned up with an intense workout routine and a macrobiotic diet. But the holidays could wreck havoc on Kardashian's progress. While she told last month that she doesn't "really like Thanksgiving food that much, so I'm not really worried about overeating," Christmas is another story. "My mom has the best Christmas cookies, in the shapes of Christmas trees and candy canes," she said. "I could eat a bunch of that." Better keep working those assets, Kim.