Steven Tyler's Top 5 Sleaziest Moments on 'American Idol'

"American Idol" judge hasn't curbed his womanizing ways since becoming engaged.

Jan. 20, 2011— -- intro: Steven Tyler may be spoken for this season, after proposing to longtime girlfriend Erin Brady, but that hasn't stopped the noted ladies' man from hitting on the latest crop of "American Idol" hopefuls.

On Wednesday's premiere of Season 11, Tyler, 63, was back in rare form, this time showing his appreciation for 15-year-old contestant Shannon Magrane -- in front of her father.

When her dad, former St. Louis Cardinals pitcher Joe Magrane, asked the rocker, "How's Beantown?" Tyler quipped, "Great, beautiful. Hot, humid and happening ... yeah, just like your daughter!"

After an awkward silence, Shannon launched into Etta James' "Something's Got a Hold on Me," wowing the judges with her big voice and nerves of steel. Tyler joined Jennifer Lopez and Randy Jackson in unanimously sending Shannon through to the next round.

And to smooth over any earlier awkwardness, Jackson joked to Shannon's dad, "You have to come help out the [Los Angeles] Dodgers," to which the 1987 World Series pitcher replied, "Can't happen soon enough."

If Tyler's opening salvo is any indication, he'll be making waves just as he did last season with comments such as, "You're Italian with a tattoo? I love you already," and "Where is your pitchfork, you little devil?"

Those antics set blogs ablaze. "Apparently, the theme of Season 10 of American Idol is pedophilia," wrote a commentor on The Faster Times. "I'm a little disturbed."

Click through to see four other sleazy moments from Tyler's rookie season.

quicklist: 1category: title: Tyler Turns Into Human Beat Boxurl: text: A day after Fox issued a (faux?) apology for Tyler's "outrageous behavior," the freshman judge was back to his old tricks, ogling contestant Heidi Khzam. While she performed a mesmerizing belly dance routine, Tyler turned into a human beat box, complete with "ah's" and 'um's." Randy Jackson joined in, rapping the beat on the table. Jennifer Lopez sat in the middle, a wide smile plastered on her face, leaving us to wonder what she was really thinking.

Then, after crowing like a rooster, Tyler seemed to remember that this was a singing competition and turned serious. "You got something you could sing for us real quick?" he said to Khzam.

As it turned out, Khzam made it through to the next round. And late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel featured Tyler and the belly dancing contestant in a segment called "The Steven Tyler Creepy Leer of the Night."

"That's why he's known as the world's horniest beat box," Kimmel 15396364related: 12839242

quicklist: 2category: title: Tyler Admires 16-year-old's Skirturl: text: On Season 10's premiere, the veteran Aerosmith rocker was taken by sweet Southern 16-year old Victoria Huggins -- in particular, her skirt.

"Just the right amount showing," Tyler effused after Lopez complimented the young singer on her floral skirt. "That's nice."

"Well, I've got to appeal to the boy audience, but still be a lady," the North Carolina teen replied without missing a 15396392

quicklist: 3category: title: Where Did You Get Those Lips? url: text: That's the question Tyler asked Texas contestant Sarah Sellers, a young-looking 28, when she entered the room. "I don't know because no one in my family has large lips," she said. When Jackson cleared his throat loudly, Tyler scrunched up his own large lips into an expression of guilt. "You had me sold the second you laid eyes on me," Tyler told 15396381

quicklist: 4category: title: Tyler and JuJu Beesurl: text: "What's with the juju bees on your ooh-ooh bees?" Tyler asked New Jersey contestant Tiffany Rios who auditioned in a zebra-print bikini top with stars pasted on front. "You're trying to blind me with those," Tyler said.

But the rocker quickly recovered when Lopez left her seat to hug Rios, showing off her short skirt and legs. Tyler joked to Jackson, "You looking down, boy? I see you looking down."media: 15396328