Matthew Perry in Car Accident

L O S   A N G E L E S, April 20, 2001 -- A car driven by a woman who ran a stop signcollided with Friends star Matthew Perry's silver BMW at a WestSide intersection, police said Thursday.

Neither Perry nor the 75-year-old woman, whose name was notreleased, were injured. The actor's car, so new that it still haddealer plates on it, was badly damaged, however.

Officer La Donna Cissell said neither drugs nor alcohol wereinvolved in the Wednesday morning crash.

Perry's publicist, Lisa Kasteler, released the followingstatement: "Matthew Perry was involved in a car accident in LosAngeles yesterday when he swerved to avoid a car whose driver hadrun a stop sign. There were no injuries and no drugs or alcoholinvolved."

Checkered Past for Sitcom Star

The actor has acknowledged being treated in 1997 for what hispublicist called the "early stages of chemical dependency."Earlier this year he entered a rehabilitation clinic for treatmentof an undisclosed condition.

Perry, 32, crashed his Porsche into the front porch of a housein the Hollywood Hills last June. He was not hurt in that crasheither, and investigators said there was no evidence of drug oralcohol use.

The actor said he hit the house after swerving to avoid anothercar on a narrow, winding street.