Buscemi, Vaughn in Brawl

W I L M I N G T O N, N.C., April 13, 2001 -- Actors Steve Buscemi and Vince Vaughn,in town filming a movie called Domestic Disturbance, got into abarroom brawl with locals that left Buscemi bloody and Vaughn injail.

Police say Buscemi was stabbed in the throat, head and arm inthe fight at the Firebelly Lounge around 2 a.m. Thursday. He wastreated at a hospital and released.

Buscemi, who has starred in such films as Fargo and 28Days, flew to New York to recover. "He is now home and resting comfortably and luckily is going tobe OK," Buscemi's publicist, Staci Wolfe, said today.

Filming Continues Despite Investigation

Timothy Fogerty of Wilmington was charged with assault with adeadly weapon with intent to kill. Vaughn, screenwriter ScottRosenberg and two other Wilmington men were charged withmisdemeanor assault. All four men posted bond and were releasedThursday, police said.

Police said the cause of the brawl is under investigation.

One witness said the fight started when Vaughn began talking tothe girlfriend of one of the men at the nightclub. Tempers gotheated and people went outside, where the fighting escalated.

The filming of Domestic Disturbance, which stars JohnTravolta and is due in theaters this fall, continued Thursdaywithout Buscemi, according to a publicist.

Vaughn has starred in The Cell and Return to Paradise.Rosenberg's screenwriting credits include the movies Gone in 60Seconds and High Fidelity.