Janssen Plays Wifey to Douglas

December 11, 2000 -- Famke Janssen has announced her next film, and no, it's not Terminator 3.

The X-Men star will play Michael Douglas' wife in the action-thriller Don't Say a Word, from Kiss the Girls director Gary Fleder.

At 35, that makes Janssen older than Douglas' real-life wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, 31. Janssen's certainly a tad closer to the 55-year-old actor's age bracket than, say, his former screen wife Gwyneth Paltrow, who is 28 years younger than her A Perfect Murder co-star.

Word will star Douglas as a New York psychiatrist whose daughter is kidnapped, forcing him to treat a mentally unstable patient with a violent past (Brittany Murphy, the chicken-obsessed inmate of Girl, Interrupted) as part of a ransom deal.

Sean Bean, Oliver Platt, Jennifer Esposito, and Guy Torry will co-star in the film, which began shooting this week, The Hollywood Reporter notes.