John Stamos Returns to TV

Oct. 9, 2000 -- Wonder what’s become of good-looking Uncle Jesse (John Stamos) since TV’s über-wholesome Full House closed shop in 1995? Looks like he’s going to work (reluctantly) for Uncle Sam.

The Hollywood Reporter notes that the 37-year-old actor has a deal with ABC and Warner Bros. TV for an hourlong romantic-comedy pilot.

The pitch? Stamos is one of a pair of master thieves who become covert government agents to pay off their debt to society.

Mr. Nikita?Stamos and a yet-to-be-cast seductive female thief will, no doubt, trade sexy come-ons while tackling a number of black-bag government operations. Arnold Kopelson, who’s overseeing CBS’s new The Fugitive, will serve as exec producer.

We’re getting a La Femme Nikita-meets-Remington Steele vibe, how about you?

Actually, Kopelson tells the Reporter that he wanted to develop something along the lines of the sexy caper flicks To Catch a Thief and The Thomas Crown Affair. Incidentally, a TV version of Affair was announced last September, but it has yet to materialize.

Through WBTV President Peter Roth, Kopelson learned that Stamos was also toying with the same idea.

“It was an instant marriage,” Kopelson said. “I love John. I think he is very much a potential movie star, and he’ll be great in this kind of a role.”

Since leaving Full House, Stamos tied the knot with model Rebecca Romijn, toured with the Beach Boys, and produced an Emmy-nominated TV movie on the band.