Pitt Smells Meaning of Marriage

August 29, 2000 -- Just before Brad Pitt was whisked away from a mob of screaming fans in London last week, he divulged to a reporter what he's learned after one month of marriage.

Don't expect any poetry, though. Pitt was apparently eager to let his fans know that at home with new wife Jennifer Aniston, he's just a regular guy — with regular bodily functions.

When asked how he liked being hitched, Pitt crowed to a jounalist, "Being married means I can [pass gas] and eat ice cream in bed."

Ah, we guess that's what they mean by a couple sharing everything.

As for the sweet, rather than smelly, portion of their marriage, Pitt does seem to be a bit of an ice cream freak. During their extravagant July 29 beach wedding, Jen vowed to make her groom's favorite banana milkshake whenever he desired.

Another reporter tested Pitt's husband-like qualities by quizzing him on the color of his wife's toothbrush. "White and aquamarine," the blond actor answered quickly. "Like her eyes."

If he remembers that small detail, the odds are good that he'll be mindful of replacing the toilet paper roll and sending flowers on her birthday. Whatta catch!