Did Brit Slap Beau With a Restraining Order?

Los Angeles police department says no order has been filed, contrary to reports.

Jan. 21, 2008 — -- Did Britney Spears file a restraining order against her purported paparazzo boyfriend Adnan Ghalib? The troubled pop singer's agent isn't talking about it.

Responding to ABCNEWS.com's e-mail request to confirm or deny media reports about a restraining order, Marc Geiger replied, "No comment ever."

Asked about the status of Spears' relationship with Ghalib in a follow-up e-mail, Geiger wrote back, "Pls stop emailing me FOREVER."

ABCNEWS.com's calls to Ghalib's employer, FinalPixx, weren't returned.

Sunday, celebrity photo agency X17 reported that Spears' friend and sometimes manager Sam Lutfi showed the agency's photographers a copy of her restraining order against Ghalib. According to People.com, Lutfi told one of the photographers that he and Spears want Ghalib "out of Britney's life."

A representative from the Los Angeles Police Department told ABCNEWS.com that as of today, there was "no paperwork to indicate that she's initiated a restraining order by any means."

Ghalib responded to the reports with a statement on FinalPixx's Web site.

"All I can say is that I have not been in contact with Britney since early Friday morning," he said. "The reason being, that I have to attend a family funeral in Santa Barbara. My phone has been off during this time out of respect for my family. I am only now becoming aware of what is being said. I hope to be back home in Los Angeles soon and to be in contact with Miss Spears."

Spears and Ghalib have been seen around Los Angeles together since the beginning of the month, holding hands, going on shopping sprees and hitting up clubs. There's speculation in the tabloids that money Ghalib reportedly made from the sales of photographs of him and Spears may have thrown their romance on the rocks.

"Britney expressed disappointment and anger toward Adnan for being 'set up' in photographs that Adnan and his agency have sold of them together," said an unnamed X17 photographer who visited with Spears late Saturday night, quoted in today's Daily Mail.