Susan Sarandon addresses alleged feud with Julia Roberts on 'Stepmom' set

The "Feud" star tweeted about her famous supposed feud with Roberts.

"Press printed that Julia & I hated each other during Stepmom," she wrote. "Found out it was my PR person creating rumors."

Sarandon linked to a 1998 Entertainment Weekly article about the rumored feud, in which she said at the time, "If you make a movie with a male star, everyone assumes you're f------. If it's a female star, everyone assumes you're fighting."

In the article, Roberts was equally dismissive of a feud. "Actually, Susan and I were kinda hoping that people would say we were f------," she told EW then. "Now that's delicious cocktail-party fodder. But this? Boring."

Sarandon joked that she and Lange got along so well that they are now dating.

She then clarified that the two have stayed in touch since filming ended. "She's one of the reasons I agreed to do the series," Sarandon wrote.