How Tallulah Willis Celebrated 9 Months Sober

See the inspiring picture she shared.

— -- It has been a big week for Tallulah Willis.

The picture is of her taking a hike with her dog and throwing her fist in the air in celebration.

"Today marks the day I have kicked 9 months of sobrietys a**," she wrote.

It was just last summer when Willis, 21, revealed insecurities about her looks when she was a teenager.

"I'm diagnosed [with] body dysmorphia," she told StyleLikeU. "[I would be] reading those stupid f***ing tabloids when I was like, 13, feeling like I was just ugly, always. I believed the strangers more than the people that loved me, because why would the people that loved me be honest?"

"While in treatment, I thought a lot about my 5-year-old self. I was a towhead, and my hair stuck out in all directions, like I just got electrically shocked. I had tiny Chiclet gremlin teeth, and I was always running around like a ragamuffin. I realized that I love little me; I adore her and I want to protect her," she told the magazine.