Tina Fey Dedicates 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot' to Her Late Father

The movie opens in theaters this weekend.

"My dad served in Korea. He was a code-breaker in Korea. So he didn't see active duty, but he was real smart," Fey said earlier this week. "He went to the Temple University School of Journalism after he got back."

Fey told The Hollywood Reporter at the screening of the film on Tuesday night that it was producer Lorne Michaels' idea to include the dedication.

"He said, 'You only have one father, and you only have one chance to do this,'" Fey said. "Like many, many times in my life, I took his advice."

Tina also noted that her family had created a scholarship at Temple University to honor her father's legacy.

"It's a very specific scholarship, which I think is okay. It's specifically for returning vets who might want to study journalism," she said. "I think we've raised over $100,000 so far for it to be an ongoing scholarship."

"Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" is out in theaters today.