‘Top Gun’ Turns 30: One Millennial’s Burning Questions About the Film

"Why are there no woman pilots?" she asked.

In fact, many young adults have never seen the film. So, what would a first-timer think?

In all honestly, after watching the movie with a 23-year-old coworker at ABC News who had never seen it, the classic blockbuster still really holds up. The plot has some holes, but the action is just as exciting as it was three decades ago.

Here's what our millennial had to say/ask while watching:

1 - At the beginning, with Maverick (Cruise) and Goose (Anthony Edwards) on the aircraft carrier: "Why are they sweating so much and smoking cigars inside the ship?"

2 - "Tom Cruise looks like a baby!"

3 - "I wonder what my fighter pilot nickname would be?"

5 - When we meet our complete Top Gun class: "Why are there no women pilots?" (This is a valid question.)

7 - "Is 'You've Lost That Lovin' Feeling' a Navy song or something?"

8 - "Why did he introduce himself as Maverick?" (To be cool.)

9 - "Why doesn't everyone hit the brakes all the time when a jet is chasing them?"

10 - "'Slider, you stink'? I thought it was gonna be better insult than that!"

11 - "OK, why are they are wearing jeans playing volleyball?"

12 - "Is this a Levi's commercial?"

13 - "Is he going to his date all sweaty?"

14 - "Shower?? Did he just ask to take a shower??" (Yes, he did.)

15 - "Are they just gonna keep playing 'Take My Breath Away?'" (Yes, yes they are.)

17 - "Why is Goose's kid with him in a bar?"

18 - "These '80s lines and the kissing is out of control." ("Take me to bed or lose me forever!")

19 - "That's quick — 'Let him go'? No time to grieve, huh?"

20 - "Who did Wolfman (Barry Tubb) call to tell them Maverick just quit?"

21 - "They didn't mention she had a job opportunity in Washington. Where did that come from?"

22 - "How do all these guys have beachfront property? This is an HGTV dream."

23 - "There just happens to be a crisis situation during graduation? Come on!"

24 - "Why can't you see the bad guys' faces? Who are these guys? I'm assuming Russian, but ..."

25 - "After one mission, Maverick gets his choice of jobs and wants to be an instructor?"

Bonus - "This is my mom's favorite movie, and I just told her I watched it. She told me she feels old."