How Twitter Buzz Stacks Up Against Online Oddsmakers' Oscar Predictions

People really think Leonardo DiCaprio will finally win his first Oscar.

— -- The members of the Academy may have already voted for the winners of this year’s Oscars, but what about the movie-savvy people of the Internet? The betting website Bovada has compiled its current odds for the awards, and Twitter has also just released the most buzzed-about nominees across the leading categories.

So how does the Twitter buzz stack up to Bovada's picks to take home the gold? Some of the categories have a hands-down favorite, where an actor or movie was a Bovada pick to win and also led their nominee competitors in conversation on Twitter. In other categories, Twitter buzz is way off from Bovada’s predictions.

Best Picture

Over at Bovada, the odds of winning Best Picture are in the favor of “The Revenant,” followed by “Spotlight.” On Twitter, though, “Mad Max: Fury Road” leads the national conversation, followed by “The Martian.”

Best Actor

Best Animated Film

“Inside Out" is Bovada's pick for the year's best cartoon by a landslide, and Disney/Pixar’s summer smash was also the Best Animated Film nominee with the highest amount of discussion on Twitter.

Twitter’s Academy Awards data is organized in handy infographics here, while Bovada’s full list of current odds -- as well as other fun predictions, like who will have the longest acceptance speech -- can be found here.

The 2016 Academy Awards airs Sunday at 7 p.m. EST on ABC.