Watch Fans' Delight While Viewing 'Star Wars: The Force Awakens' Trailer

See the moment when "Star Wars" fans discover "The Force Awakens."

For your viewing pleasure, here are some of the best facial expressions of fans who are watching the trailer presumably for the first time. Don't worry; it's still OK to get excited after watching it five times.

Here are just some of the gems found online after the trailer was released Thursday:

The trailer is awakening fans' childhood sensibilities:

@JakeBaldino came back for more after crying during the teaser that was released last November.

There weren't tears this time, but there was a very happy video:

The folks at recorded an appropriately nerdy group viewing:

Naomi Kyle, host of IGN’s “The Daily Fix,” showed what a post-trailer conversation looks like between a fan and not-so-fan: