Whoopi Goldberg, Michaele Salahi Go Round Two

Whoopi Goldberg ripped into Michaele Salahi on "The View."

Aug. 5, 2010 — -- She has yet to make her reality-TV debut but Michaele Salahi already has the caliber of critics most fame-mongers spend years (and seasons) trying to amass.

Whoopi Goldberg took the "Real Housewives of DC" cast member and her husband, Tareq, to task on ABC's "The View" today after their Wednesday appearance on the show ended with the alleged White House-crashers accusing Goldberg of hitting Salahi and hurling expletives at the couple.

Goldberg started today's edition of the "The View" with this explanation of what happened Wednesday: When the conversation among the "Real Housewives of DC" women devolved into an argument about throwing drinks and calling one another anorexic, Goldberg came onto the set from backstage, nudged Salahi and asked her to "get back to the White House please," as in get back to the topic of Tareq Salahi's allegedly crashing a 2009 state dinner.

Apparently, Salahi interpreted the nudge as something of a shove.

"Michaele was very upset about what was said about her on the air," Goldberg said today. "And then I was told that she thought I hit her. So I went up to her and I told her that she knew I didn't hit her and, yeah, you know how I said it. Choice words. And I make no apology for my choice words."

Goldberg added that after that exchange, Salahi's husband started taking pictures of her backstage with his BlackBerry.

"Needless to say, I really went off then," she said. "And there was even more, choicer words. They were so choice you could have cut them with a knife and eaten them."

After Goldberg had her say, "The View" co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck read a statement from the Salahis' attorney stating that they never crashed a party at the White House and were not charged with any crime after the November 2009 event, despite President Obama's telling CBS' "60 Minutes" in December that "these people should not have gotten through the gate" and their attendance at the event was "a screw-up" that "won't happen again."

Salahi's Side

Salahi shared her side of the story earlier this morning on NBC's "Today" show. (Incidentally, NBC is owned by NBC Universal, which also owns the Bravo network that broadcasts "The Real Housewives of DC," premiering tonight.)

"I think I started crying," she said, "because now I have someone that I don't even know, I'm a guest of their show, and they're berating me" with curses.

Curses and crying: if the series' past seasons have shown anything, it's that those are two things Salahi's likely to encouter a lot of during her "Real Housewives" run.