Tip of the Day: Concentration Lapses and Alzheimer's

Trouble with concentration and working with numbers may be warning signs.

May 6, 2010— -- No one said managing your monthly bills was easy. But if you're having trouble concentrating and working with numbers, it may be an early sign of Alzheimer's.

Of course, not all problems with concentration can be attributed to the disease. Other factors -- even simple stress -- can lead to similar difficulties. Talk to your doctor if the problems you are experiencing do not abate or worsen to find out if they are a possible warning sign of Alzheimer's.

Here are some more tips you may find useful.

Your inability to concentrate may not be Alzheimer's; in fact, it could be side effects from the medications you are taking. To learn more, CLICK HERE.

The mild cognitive impairment that comes with the onset of Alzheimer's can pose significant issues for those who experience it. CLICK HERE to find out how to deal with this condition.

Losing the ability to concentrate is just one symptom of Alzheimer's. To learn more about other telltale signs, CLICK HERE.

A number of organizations and government programs offer Alzheimer's disease resources to the public. CLICK HERE to learn more.