How to Get Younger Looking Hands

Oct. 18, 2005 — -- Thanks to some new technology, there are several ways to make your hands look dramatically younger. Dr. Loretta Ciraldo, clinical professor of dermatology at University of Miami, joined "Good Morning America" with information about new treatments and procedures.

Younger Hands Checklist

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Laser Ablation. This procedure seals off veins and has been used on legs for years. The results can be dramatic, but it's very expensive, costing up to several thousand dollars.

Home Microdermabrasion Systems. Neutrogena's kit uses the same materials used in doctor's offices and costs $40 and up.

Microdermabrasion Creams. L'Oreal recently came out with a new microdermabrasion cream for hands, arms and chest. Ciraldo says these creams should be used several times a week. They usually cost less than $20.

Retinol Creams. A more user-friendly version of the prescription cream Retin-A. Retinol is an antioxidant that is very good at improving the appearance of age spots, wrinkling and dry and flaky skin. Roc, a popular retinol cream, costs about $20. Stronger retinol creams can be prescribed by a dermatologist and are often used for spot treatment.

Glycolic Creams. Glycolic acid peels have been used in doctor's offices for years, but are now available in gentler, over-the-counter versions that also cost about $20. Ciraldo recommends products that contain at least 5 percent to 10 percent glycolic acid.