Isaac Mizrahi Doles Out Fashion Advice

Dec. 2, 2005 — -- Designer Isaac Mizrahi's new show, "Isaac," is set to premiere on the Style Network on Dec. 5. Considering his high profile, his first name is all he needs. Mizrahi has been everywhere.

Mizrahi's affordable fashion line at Target tries to bring his high-end sensibility to the mass market. But those into luxury goods can get his couture pieces at Bergdorf Goodman. He's made cameos in the movie "Men in Black" and the television show "Spin City." He also starred in a one-man, off-Broadway show "LES MIZrahi," and had a weekly half-hour show on the Oxygen channel.

Three women came to "GMA" seeking Mizrahi's advice, which he doles out to audience members on his show during a segment called "Sketches and Answers." He solves fashion dilemmas on the spot and jots down a quick sketch to show the person exactly what he is talking about.

Simone Hilliard: I see that skinny jeans are all the rage so I bought myself a pair. It seems like the obvious choice for footwear would be boots over the jeans but I want to wear them with a shoe. What kind of shoe would you suggest?

Isaac Mizrahi: I have to say that I do love them tucked into the boot. It looks great. But the other day I had the model Elle McPherson on wearing the skinniest jeans and they weren't low-rise. She was wearing them with flats and it looked wonderful. Granted she is really tall, but still, I don't find you to be [height] challenged. If you wear tight jeans with heels, wear them with high-heel sandals.

Yue Xu: I've been seeing people with those tailored vests, very Annie Hall-style. I just bought one and want to wear it to the office but I'm not exactly sure how. Any suggestions?

Isaac Mizrahi: I wouldn't wear it to work. I would wear that with nothing underneath. Nothing, like a little bra ... so you see straps and things. And maybe a cardigan sweater at night.

Yue Xu: Why wouldn't you wear it to work?

Isaac Mizrahi: It looks too much like "Dynasty."

Karen Pasternack: A few years ago, Isaac paired a typical white button-down with a big taffeta ball skirt. I loved the idea of pairing something mainstream with an extravagant piece. I'm going to a cocktail party and I would really like to wear jeans. What can I put on top that will make the outfit dramatic and not just jeans and a top?

Isaac Mizrahi: I get it. I'll do a sketch. Let me see, what I would do is, here's you and your shirt. I'm going to like surprise you because with jeans, again, I think not a big, sexy top, but a shirt again, right? But then if you wear the jeans, right? Here's the jeans -- here's you in the jeans. Maybe some kind of high-heeled shoe. And then the shirt. A lot of jewelry over the top of the shirt. Like a lot of necklaces. All different colored beads. So let the fun and nighttime be in the bead, in the jewelry.

Diane Sawyer: Earlier this morning, you rummaged through my closet looking for my own particular fashion disasters. You already told me not to wear that skirt on the air. I admit it was a mistake.

Isaac Mizrahi: You have not seen the inside of this woman's mind until you have seen the inside of her closet. It's gorgeous and a little confused. I'm telling you a secret. She hangs her pantyhose. … That's a secret. You must have a reason.

Evelyn, Sawyer's stylist: She can see them without having to go through them

Diane Sawyer: One final question: This skirt, is it out? I've never worn it.

Isaac Mizrahi: Not necessarily out. On the air, maybe not again. I don't know. Shorten it a little bit, Diane. Shorten it and wear it with a gold sweater.