Winter Emergency Kit for Your Car

Dec. 27, 2005 — -- Driving in winter weather means running the risk of car trouble. Laura Fenton, senior editor of Quick & Simple magazine, visited "Good Morning America" with a checklist of what all drivers should have in their cars.

Here are the items you should keep in your car, because depending on your car trouble, you might not be able to access your trunk:

Cell phone. Make sure your phone is charged -- it might be worth it to invest in a phone charger for your car

Full-size flashlight with working batteries

Waterproof matches and candles, in case your flashlight doesn't work

Windshield de-icer

Ice scraper

Hat and gloves. These should be warm and waterproof, as opposed to fashionable

Quarters, if your cell phone is out of range, you might need to use a pay phone

First-aid kit

Nonperishable high-energy food like trail mix or candy

Water. Have at least one quart with you


Keep these bulkier items in your trunk:

Small shovel

Flares so other motorists can see you.

Sand, nonabsorbent kitty litter or rock salt. This will help you get some traction in your tires.

Jumper cables. Try to learn how to use them before you find yourself stranded.

Jack and spare tire

If you are expecting snow and your car is parked outside, Fenton offered this time-saving tip: Put a garbage bag over your windshield. Then, the next morning, just remove the bag and your windshield will be clean.