Jennifer Garner uses the Marie Kondo method of tidying up to see what 'sparks joy' in an Instagram post

Jennifer Garner shared a funny video cleaning out her junk drawer.

Jennifer Garner appears to be a big fan of Netflix’s latest hit “Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.”

The 46-year-old actress shared a humorous clip on her Instagram on Wednesday showing her tidying up her junk drawer and showing off unique finds.

Garner included a call for help to Kondo, the organization expert featured in the show, in the caption.

“@mariekondo — I’m all about it. #doubloonssparkjoy #junkdrawer #canyoucomeover??” she wrote.

In "Tidying Up," Kondo teaches viewers about her famous "KonMari method," an organization strategy featured in her best-selling book, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up."

The strategy involves getting rid of the items in the home that do not "spark joy."

"The KonMari Method encourages tidying by category –- not by location -– beginning with clothes, then moving on to books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items), and, finally, sentimental items," according to Kondo's website.

"Keep only those things that speak to the heart, and discard items that no longer spark joy. Thank them for their service -– then let them go," the site reads.

Garner appears to have warmed up to it, as she pulled several items out of her junk drawer in her video -- including Invisalign, a rain bonnet, balloons and a highlighter -- and questioned why they were there in the first place.

Mindy Kaling also recently weighed in on the new Netflix show. "I've watched the show," she told POPSUGAR. "I just don't feel like there's enough time in the day!"

"I love it, but I almost want to hire someone to go through my house so I can be like, 'Does this bring you joy? You throw it out,'" she continued. "I think that's kind of the power of the show though, because unlike all these other reality shows, she actually makes the people do it themselves rather than bringing in a team of people like on 'Extreme Home Makeover' or 'Queer Eye,' where they just change it all for them.”

"I know that's probably why it's effective, but also . . . I am too lazy," she added.