Kelly Clarkson reveals recent health scare: Cyst burst on her ovary week after appendix surgery

"I was freaking out," the singer said.

Despite suffering from appendicitis and then having surgery hours later to fix the situation, Kelly Clarkson was able to host and perform at the Billboard Awards in May.

But her health issues did not stop there.

In a new interview with People magazine, Clarkson said a week after the awards show she was filming "The Voice" and suddenly knew something was wrong.

"Blake [Shelton] was talking to me and all of the sudden, everything he said just went away and I had to grab his arm and I was like, 'Something is wrong,'" she told the magazine.

What the singer and host was dealing with was a cyst bursting on her ovary.

"That was more painful than the appendicitis. It was literally a week after my surgery so I was freaking out!" she told the magazine.

In classic Clarkson fashion, she took the back-to-back health scares in stride.

"I was hysterically laughing and crying at one point in the E.R. like 'What is happening?'" she added.

She has fully recovered since the scare.

"I’m totally great now," she said.