Oscars producer opens up about putting together 'Super Bowl of entertainment'

"I really hope there aren't any surprises to do with any envelopes."

— -- The producer of this year's 90th annual Academy Awards show said she is hoping to address the "Me Too" movement that has swept through Hollywood and beyond in recent months on Sunday night, but added that "we want the show to be about entertainment."

She added, however, that it is an "important time, historically," with the ongoing campaigns to raise awareness and combat inequality and sexual misconduct in the workplace.

She added that they have learned a lot from last year's infamous best picture envelope mix-up.

"As painful as the envelope was last year, I realized in that moment that everyone would remember what year I produced the show," she quipped. "It was unforgettable.

"What I learned last year is there's a lot of elements to the show that you can't control," she added. "I try, but you never know what can happen."

Todd says this year's show, however, will be a "whole new world."

"They're different shows every year," she said. "Because you have different films, and different people coming in."

Todd said they try to respect that people "practice in their bathroom mirror, for their whole lives, what it would be feel like to win an Oscar."

While she teased that Kimmel "has a lot of great surprises planned," she added, "I really hope there aren't any surprises to do with any envelopes."