Pink announces she will no longer post photos of her kids on social media

Pink spoke about her decision on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" Monday.

After relentless mommy-shaming brought her to tears, Pink announced on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" Monday she will no longer be posting pictures of her children on social media.

Her decision stems from the "mean-spirited" comments she received last month on a photo of her kids interacting with a pelican.

"People went as far as saying someone should call child services because he didn't have a diaper on and how dare I … some of the nastiest things," she told Ellen. "I cried so hard after that because I like to share my family. It's my proudest moment. I'm prouder of my kids than anything I've done in my whole life."

Pink added, "I just won't share them anymore. I won't do it. I'm not posting pictures of them anymore."

She said the decision is coming at a good time, especially considering her daughter Willow is getting older now.

"She's 7 now," Pink said. "It's probably time to pull her back from the world and let her live her best life."

The singer also told Ellen she can handle constructive criticism, but she wants to remind people to communicate in a kinder way.

"I understand people saying, 'You need to be more careful because you are in the public eye and you should of thought of that.' And they're right," she said. "But there's a nicer way to say that."