Selena Gomez on mental health after 'one of the scariest times' of her life

The singer and actress spoke about struggling with her mental health.

Earlier this month, Selena Gomez was honored for her mental health advocacy work at McLean Hospital’s Annual Dinner.

While accepting her award, the singer shared part of her own mental health journey with the attendees.

"I think that we are better when we tell the truth and, so, this is my truth," she began, as seen in a video that is just now being shared by a fan account on Instagram.

"Last year, I was suffering mentally and emotionally, and I wasn’t able to stay all buttoned up and together," she said. "I wasn’t able to hold a smile or to keep things looking normal."

She continued, "It felt as though all of my pain, anxiety, and fear washed over me all at once, and it was one of the scariest times of my life."

Gomez says she sought help from doctors and was "equal parts terrified and relieved" when she received a diagnosis.

She explained, "Terrified because the veil was lifted but relieved that I finally had the knowledge of why I had suffered with various depressions and anxieties for so many years. I never had full awareness or answers about this condition."

Gomez, who last year checked herself into a facility for mental health treatment, says, "After a year of a lot of intense work ... I am happier, I am healthier, and I am in control of my emotions and thoughts more than I’ve ever been."