Tom Holland tries and fails to quiz fans about the Marvel Cinematic Universe

"I'm a fan" the "Spider-Man: Far From Home" star said.

Despite COVID-19 pausing production for the third Spider-Man film, Tom Holland is making sure his fans stay sharp while in self-quarantine.

However, before diving into the collective test on Instagram Live, the 23-year-old actor showed off his Iron Man mug and proudly revealed, "The first thing I ever bought for my house is a series of Marvel mugs because ... I'm a fan."

Holland also dutifully wrote all the questions down on cards to allow hard-of-hearing fans to participate, but realized that "on an Instagram Live, it flips [the picture] around." He profusely apologized for the blunder, saying that, while he would have loved to write the questions backwards, he wouldn't have time because he's dyslexic.

Holland then throws fans questions such as "How does Nick Fury like his toast?" and "What does J.A.R.V.I.S. stand for?" before scrapping the entire bit in favor of inviting fans to be quizzed one-on-one.

Unfortunately, the challenge didn't go all that smoothly as some fans become too starstruck to speak while others accidentally muted themselves.

After a few stumbles, the help of his two brothers and nearly 40 minutes later, Holland finally connected with people that knew the answers, including an adorable team effort from a young girl and her two parents.

However, Holland started putting the preference on picking contestants that have dogs as their profile pictures, hilariously cheering whenever a contestant brought their pooch on screen.

The challenge concluded with him quizzing three super fans who correctly guessed most of the questions, except for tallest person, saying it's Holland.

The answer is Dave Bautista, who's 6-foot-6.