'Dancing With the Moms Challenge' Rules

Mach 20, 2007 — -- Are you a fan of ABC-TV's "Dancing with the Stars" and wish you could learn those moves with a professional dance partner?

Now you can, if you are chosen as one of four finalists in "Good Morning America's Dancing With the Moms Challenge." We're looking for mothers with the energy, enthusiasm and willingness to learn a variety of dances and compete for the top title.

Videos of 10 moms will be shown on "Good Morning America" from late April to mid May 2007. Viewers will be asked to vote for their favorites over the course of several weeks. The four moms who receive the most votes will be selected to come to New York City for six days this coming May to learn a variety of dances and perform them on "Good Morning America."

Each day, one couple will be eliminated. The final two dance pairs will compete for the championship before a panel of judges. See the complete rules below.

Click here to enter the "Dancing With the Moms Challenge" online.

Or you can mail your entry to:

GMA's Dancing With the Moms Challenge

Ansonia Station, P.O. Box 234106

New York, NY 10023-943


"Good Morning America's Dancing With the Moms Challenge"


I. Eligibility: Promotion is open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and Washington, D.C., who are at least 18 years of age. Entrants must be "moms." Void outside of the United States and where prohibited. Any individuals (including but not limited to employees, consultants, independent contractors and interns) who have, within six months prior to the start date of the promotion and thereafter performed services for American Broadcasting Companies Inc., or any current or future organization responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the promotion or supplying prizes, and/or their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated and successor companies, and immediate family and household members of such individuals, are not eligible to enter or win.

"Immediate family members" shall mean parents, step parents, children, step children, siblings, step siblings or spouses, regardless of where they live. "Household members" shall mean people who share the same residence at least three months a year, whether related or not.

Entrant cannot have any professional experience as a dancer, dance instructor or currently be working toward or already have a degree in dance. Entrants must not currently be entered in any other related promotion, contest or competition. Sponsors may disqualify such entries and take all other measures Sponsor's may deem appropriate so as to protect their interests.

Entrant must be available to come to New York on or about May 18, 2007, through May 23, 2007 to learn a variety of dances and perform them on "Good Morning America." Good Morning America may, in its sole discretion, provide roundtrip coach class airfare from the airport closest to the home of each finalist, or other transportation as needed, and hotel accommodations in New York City.

II. How and When to Enter: Good Morning America's Dancing with the Moms Challenge (the "Promotion") begins 7 a.m. ET on March 20, 2007 and all entries must be received by 5 p.m. ET on Friday, April 6, 2007. Each entrant must submit a photo of herself taken within the last six months, and an essay of 300 words or less that describes why they should be chosen to compete in this challenge. Entries can be sent to www.abcnews.com or by U.S. Mail to:

GMA's Dancing With the Moms Challenge

Ansonia Station, P.O. Box 234106

New York, NY 10023-943

and must include name, address, phone number and e-mail address of the entrant.

Entries to a post office box should be made using one of the available services of the United States Postal Service; post office boxes can not receive deliveries from an overnight or other courier delivery service other than those delivery services provided by the United States Postal Service. Each entrant may submit only one entry. Multiple entries may result in the disqualification of all of your entries. Entries delivered to any other address than those listed above will NOT be considered. Photos may not be the work of a professional photographer and entrant must have all rights necessary to use and share the submitted photograph.

American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. ("ABC" or "Sponsor") will not be responsible for late, lost, incomplete, illegible, damaged, garbled, technically corrupt, postage-due or misdirected entries. No photos will be returned. Sponsor can provide no technical support and accepts no responsibility for insuring the receipt of your e-mail and photo. If you experience any difficulties trying to submit your entry via e-mail, we recommend that you send your photo via U.S. mail to us at the above address.

Entries that contain any content determined by Sponsors in their sole discretion as indecent, inappropriate, morally objectionable or otherwise unfit for broadcast will be immediately disqualified. Entries not satisfying these Official Rules in any respect will be disqualified. (For ABCNEWS.com's Terms of Use, direct your Internet browser to the Legal Terms page.) In the event of a conflict between these Official Rules and the Terms of Use, the Official Rules shall govern.

It is the sole responsibility of the entrant to notify American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. in writing if an entrant changes their e-mail address or mailing address. To do so, write to: Good Morning America's Dancing with the Moms Challenge, Room 635, 47 West 66th Street, New York, NY, 10023. Notification must be received by April 13, 2007. Entries sent to this address will not be considered and may be immediately disqualified from further participation in this contest.

III. Semi-Finalist, Finalist and Winner Selection: The Official Judging Panel may consist of representatives from American Broadcasting Companies, Inc, and other Sponsors, if any, or any other person so designated. The members of the Official Judging Panel may change with phases of competition. Ultimately, any and all changes to the judging panel will be at the sole discretion of American Broadcasting Companies, Inc.

The Judging Panel will select the top (10) ten entries from all eligible entries received (the "Semi-Finalists"). The judging of the entries for Semi-Finalist will be based on the following criteria: (1) the creativity of the entry; (2) the energy and enthusiasm projected by the entrant; (3) the potential athletic ability of the entrant as relayed by the entry. The judging will be conducted commencing on or about April 6, 2007 through about April 23, 2007. The Semi-Finalists will be notified by mail and/or phone and/or e-mail.

Semi-Finalists will be required to sign and return within 5 business days of receipt an Affidavit of Eligibility, Release and Indemnification, a Publicity Release where allowed by law, as well as other documents that Sponsor may require, including but not limited to a release for participation from the Entrant's physician. Any pre-existing medical conditions that might preclude the entrant from full participation in the Challenge may result in the Entrant being disqualified from further participation and may result in an alternate Semi-Finalist being selected. If any potential winner does not reply to such notification within 2 business days, an e-mail notification is undeliverable after up to 3 attempts and/or the Affidavit of Eligibility, Release and Indemnification, a Publicity Release and/or any other required documents are not returned by potential winner (and/or essay subject, as appropriate) to Sponsors within specified time period, such potential Semi-Finalist may be disqualified and an alternate potential Semi-Finalist selected (i.e., the entry ranked immediately below the disqualified entry in the judging), this process may continue until the judging panel has selected ten (10) fully qualified Semi-Finalists. Select entrants may be subjected to criminal and civil background checks as determined at the sole discretion of the Sponsors.

All of the Semi-Finalists must be able and willing to work with the producers of ABC News programs and/or other Sponsors. The Semi-Finalists will be required to record and submit up to 3 videos, each approximately 30 seconds in length, of themselves dancing on consecutive weeks in April and May 2007. These videos may be shown on "Good Morning America" on consecutive weeks in April and May 2007, during which time viewers will be asked to log onto www.ABCNEWS.com to vote for their favorite videos. The (2) entrants who receive the lowest number of votes each week will be eliminated. The (4) four entrants who remain after these elimination rounds will be considered the Finalists ("Finalists").

These (4) four Finalists must be available to come to New York City on or about Friday, May 18 through about Wednesday, May 23, 2007. Each of the (4) Finalists will be paired up with a professional, male dance partner who will teach them a variety of dances and perform with them, at producers' discretion, in the Challenge on Good Morning America on or about May 21 through May 23, 2007. Voters will be invited to log onto www.ABCNEWS.com to vote for their favorite dancing couple each day. The entrant and her dancing partner who receive the lowest number of votes will be eliminated each day.

The final Challenge will be judged on Good Morning America by a panel of judges selected at the sole discretion of ABC. The Finalist who receives the highest score will be selected as the Grand Prize Winner. In the event of a tie, the Finalist with the highest score in the creativity category will be deemed the Grand Prize Winner. The dates for voting are subject to change due to possible pre-emption or for other unforeseen reasons. In the event dates of voting should change Good Morning America will announce and post on-line as necessary.

IV. Grand Prize: The Grand Prize Winner will receive a Good Morning America Dancing with the Moms Challenge trophy. Additional prizing may be awarded at the sole discretion of the Sponsors. All federal, state and local taxes associated with any prize would be the sole responsibility of the winner, who will receive an IRS Form 1099 reflecting the final actual value of any prize valued at $600 or more. Winners are not entitled to exchange or transfer prize or to obtain any other substitution, but Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may substitute a prize of equal or greater value due to prize unavailability or for any reason. The Sponsors in their sole discretion may provide airfare and hotel accommodations for Finalists and/or the Winner as deemed necessary. All expenses not specifically provided for herein are the winner's sole responsibility. Some restrictions may apply.

V. Restrictions for Broadcast: The Finalists agree to make themselves available to participate in broadcasts on ABC-TV. Semi-Finalists understand and agree that, if they are NOT available for the broadcasts, or in the event such background research reveals information leading the Sponsors, in their sole discretion, to determine that the Semi-Finalist should be disqualified, that entry will be disqualified and an alternate entry may be selected based on the next highest score given based on the above-stated judging criteria and this process may continue until (10) Semi-Finalists are selected. In the alternative, the Promotion may, in Sponsors' discretion, proceed with fewer than (10) Semi-Finalists. All arrangements are subject to change, availability and Sponsors' approval, including but not limited to the production schedule of Good Morning America. The Semi-Finalists must agree to follow any and all instructions of producers during the broadcast, as determined in their sole discretion and not engage in conduct that violates the broadcast standards of American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., or as otherwise determined by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., in its sole discretion. The content, location and live appearances will be determined by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., Good Morning America.

Entrants agree (1) that ABC may, but is not obligated to, broadcast or rebroadcast, in whole or in part, in any format or medium, including but not limited to the world wide web, the videos and/or photos submitted by entrants and any portion of the broadcast of Good Morning America pertaining to the Challenge, including footage of or information about the Entrants, without notification or compensation; and (2) to sign any and all appearance releases and other documents which may be required by Sponsors in conjunction with this Challenge and/or acceptance of the prize.

VI. Conditions of Participation and Releases: By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these official rules and the decisions of the Sponsor and Judges and the contest administrator, which shall be final in all respects.

By participating in this contest and accepting any prize that they may win, entrants agree to release American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., its parent, subsidiary, affiliated and successor companies, advertising and promotion partners or agencies and prize suppliers, and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, representatives and employees, as well as each of their respective successors, representatives and assigns (collectively, the "Released Parties") from any and all actions, claims, injury, loss or damage arising in any manner, directly or indirectly, from participation in this contest and/or acceptance or use of any prize.

Entrants authorize the Released Parties to use their name, voice, likeness, biographical data, city and state of residence and entry materials, including but not limited to photographs and/or videotapes, in programming or promotional material, worldwide in perpetuity, or on a winner's list, if applicable, without further compensation unless prohibited by law. Sponsor is not obligated to use any of the above mentioned information or materials, but may do so and may edit such information or materials, at Sponsor's sole discretion, without further obligation or compensation.

By submitting entry materials, entrants certify that such materials are original and created by entrant, that entrants have the necessary rights, permission and authority to submit such materials, and, if applicable, that entrants maintain a valid copyright in the materials. Entrants acknowledge that such materials may be included and/or discussed in a broadcast, that such discussion may include statements or opinions by the broadcast talent or others about the entrants, the entrants' appearances and/or the materials, and that those statements and opinions may be considered surprising, humiliating, embarrassing, derogatory, defamatory or otherwise offensive or injurious to them, Sponsor's employees, its studio or at-home audience and/or other third parties. Entrants release the Released Parties from any actions, claims, injury, loss or damage allegedly caused, directly or indirectly, by any such statements or opinions made during a broadcast.

Entrants selected as semi-finalists further agree to sign any and all documents required by American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., upon their request, so as to confirm entry and to facilitate background checks. Semi-finalists may be required to submit a letter from their personal physicians attesting to their ability to participate in this competition. Entrants agree to accept all terms and conditions associated with acceptance of any prize in the event they should be selected for further participation in the Promotion.

Entrants understand and accept that American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. has an extensive history of creating and developing television segments and programs. Such development activities have preceded this promotion and will continue thereafter. Entrants' entries shall not be construed as any acknowledgement or admission that the same or a similar idea has not previously been created and/or developed by ABC. Entrants further acknowledge that ABC, or its parent company, engages in extensive activities in creating, acquiring and developing literary, artistic, musical, design and other material, including stories, ideas, themes, plots, titles, screenplays, formats, concepts for attractions, parks and other developments and other materials.

If for any reason the Promotion is not capable of running as planned, including but not limited to infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failure or other causes which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Promotion, Sponsors reserve the right, at their sole discretion, to cancel, terminate, modify and/or suspend the Promotion and to determine the winners by having the judges evaluate all eligible entries received prior to the action taken, or as otherwise deemed fair and equitable by Sponsors; and to disqualify any individuals who tamper with the entry process, violate these official rules or act in a disruptive or abusive manner. No responsibility is assumed for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to or alteration of entries; errors, defects or omissions in the advertisement or offering of this Promotion; or any problems or technical malfunctions of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail or electronic entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Web site or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to participant's or any other person's computer related to, or resulting from, participation in or downloading any materials from this Promotion.

Participants further agree not to knowingly damage or cause interruption of the Promotion and/or prevent others from using the Promotion. Submission of an entry is acknowledgement of and agreement to be bound by all terms and conditions of this Promotion. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT TO DAMAGE ANY ONLINE SERVICE OR WEB SITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROMOTION VIOLATES CRIMINAL OR CIVIL LAWS. IF SUCH AN ATTEMPT IS MADE, SPONSOR MAY DISQUALIFY ANY PARTICIPANT MAKING SUCH ATTEMPT AND SEEK DAMAGES TO THE FULLEST EXTENT OF THE LAW.

American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. reserve the right to terminate, modify or suspend this Promotion due to any of the following reasons: act of God; unavoidable accident; epidemic; fire; blackout; act of public enemy; war, riot or civil commotion; enactment, rule, order or act of government or governmental instrumentality or tribunal; strike, lockout or other labor dispute; inclement weather; the recapture of any time period scheduled for the live telecast of a program for an event of national importance or emergency; failure of technical facilities; failure of essential production, or technical personnel to appear or be available for production or broadcast; or other cause of a similar or different nature. By entering, Entrant agrees that should this Promotion be terminated for any reason Entrant irrevocably waives any right to seek and/or obtain rescission and/or equitable and/or injunctive relief.

VII. Sponsor: American Broadcasting Companies, Inc., 77 West 66th Street, New York, NY 10023;

VIII. Names of Finalists and Winner: For the name of the Semi-Finalists, Finalists and Winner, will be available by mailing a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Good Morning America's Dancing with the Moms Challenge, Room 635, 47 West 66th Street, New York, NY 10023. Requests received after June 23, 2007 will not be honored.