Clinton Says Iraq Troop Surge Hasn't Worked

Sen. Hillary Clinton questions Iraq progress as commander testifies.

April 8, 2008 — -- As the top military commander of the Iraq War called Tuesday for a "troop pause," Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., said earlier that the troop surge in Iraq has not worked.

"Let's remember what we were told about this surge a year ago," Clinton said today on "Good Morning America." "That the whole purpose for it was to give the Iraqi government the space and time to do what it needed to do when it came to allocating oil revenues, improving services, coming to some political reconciliation. That hasn't happened."

Gen. David Petraeus testified before the Senate Armed Services Committee that security in Iraq is "significantly better" than 15 months ago. But violence has spiked recently, and 27 American service members have died in Iraq in the past two weeks.

Petraeus recommended that after a planned withdrawal of about 20,000 troops from Iraq in July, no more U.S. troops should be pulled out of the region for at least 45 days. A more rapid withdrawal could jeopardize the fragile stability and security gains in the region, he said.

Clinton and the other two presidential hopefuls, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., will have the opportunity to question Petraeus during today's hearing.

Olympics, Campaign Shakeup

Clinton, the junior senator from New York, called on President Bush Monday to boycott the Olympics opening ceremony, because of China's crackdown of Tibetan protesters and the country's dealings in Darfur.

Clinton does not believe, however, that a boycott of the games is the right approach.

"What we're trying to do is influence the Chinese government, so it's a government to government effort that I am recommending," she said.

"I believe President Bush should not attend the opening ceremonies. But the Olympics themselves is a much broader movement that goes beyond governments. It's maybe hosted by China in Beijing, but it isn't a Chinese event. It is an international event."

Clinton also touched on the exit of chief campaign strategist Mark Penn for promoting a trade agreement with Columbia she had opposed and that is unpopular with labor unions.

She said the Penn flap should have no influence on blue-collar, union voters in Pennsylvania.

"My position is very well known," Clinton said. "I've been consistently against the Colombia deal. I'll vote against the Colombia deal if it's brought to a vote."

Clinton also took a swipe at her Democratic opponent, saying he never has "said or done anything with respect to his campaign representative, who went to a foreign government, and certainly gave a very different story about where Sen. Obama stood than what Sen. Obama had been stating in the campaign."

Clinton was referring to a report by a Canadian television network in late February that a senior member of Obama's campaign told Canada's U.S. ambassador that Obama would be speaking out against the North American Free Trade Agreement, but that he shouldn't be worried. "It's just campaign rhetoric. It's not serious."

Sources told ABC News that the campaign member was Austan Goolsbee, Obama's senior economic adviser.

Clinton then said voters didn't care about the inner workings of the campaign machine.

"They are not so interested in all the back and forth and inside stories as they are in where do you stand, what do you believe and what will do you as president?"