Little girl poses as pilgrim in adorable Thanksgiving photo shoot

Eloise is celebrating her first birthday on Thanksgiving Day.

Eloise Pantoja, from Chicago, is too cute wearing her custom pilgrim costume and a dollop of whipped cream on her nose.

"She likes to be held. She likes to dance. She laughs a lot," Eloise’s mother, Samantha Pantoja, told "Good Morning America."

Eloise’s parents, Samantha and Marcelino Pantoja, set up the shoot earlier this month to celebrate their daughter’s first Thanksgiving -- and first birthday. It was Marcelino’s idea to dress her up as a pilgrim.

The parents headed to a local JCPenney Portraits studio to capture the moment. And believe it or not, Eloise was well-behaved throughout the 45-minute shoot, her parents said. Though, she did love playing with the pumpkin pie.

"She was kind of shocked. Like, 'This is for me? I can touch it?’" Marcelino said.

Samantha added that Eloise put the whipped cream on her nose herself.

"She likes to be the center of attention. … She’s a super happy baby," Samantha said.

Editor's note: This was originally published on Nov. 28, 2019.