Groom reads tearful vows to stepdaughter as he marries her mom

"The part that sticks out to me is when he said, 'the other love of my life.'"

Jimmy Gisondi shared his heartfelt words with Olivia Jewart as he married her mother, Kelsea Jewart Gisondi on Nov. 2, 2019 in Horsham, Pennsylvania.

Kelsea told "Good Morning America" that it meant so much to her daughter who was very touched by the speech.

"It was a very emotional moment for our families it’s something everyone knew Olivia needed and wanted so badly. And that was her time," Kelsea said. "Olivia isn’t a very emotional person so seeing her like that just confirmed we all knew how much this just really meant to her."

Abigail Gingerale Photography captured the ceremony and recorded Jimmy as he spoke to Olivia.

"Olivia, from this day forward, I promise to remind you every day how truly loved you are," Jimmy says in the video. "I promise to teach, guide, respect you for the rest of our days," he said. "I'm very happy to say that you’re my daughter. From this day forward, you will truly be my daughter and the other love of my life. I love you, Olivia."

Kelsea said she was a single mom before meeting Jimmy two years ago.

"The part that sticks out to me is when he said, 'the other love of my life,'" she added. "Having a man love your child as much as he loves you is an indescribable feeling."