This 1-pound baby is the Houston Astros tiniest fan

Her mom's Houston Astros 2017 World Series ring fit on her foot.

She may be the tiniest Houston Astros fan ever.

Ayah Rideau was born on Sept. 18, 2019, at 22 weeks and 5 days, weighing 1 pound and 3 ounces at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas in Houston. It was also the day the Astros beat the Texas Rangers 5-4.

And like her mom's favorite team, Ayah is fighting. But what's at stake for Ayah is more important than any World Series. She's so tiny that her mom's Houston Astros 2017 World Series ring can fit on her foot.

At birth, Ayah was immediately intubated, placed on a ventilator and fed through a tube, the hospital told "Good Morning America." She was diagnosed with necrotizing enterocolitis, a serious intestinal disease found in premature babies, and doctors discovered she had tumors in her heart, a genetic condition.

Today, she weighs 1 pound, 13 ounces. Her breathing tube was removed earlier this week and she’s nearing the completion of a successful treatment for her necrotizing enterocolitis.

As she fights, she and her mom, Dawn Rideau, are supporting the hometown team: Ayah’s incubator was decked out with newborn Astros gear. To support Ayah and Dawn -- and the Astros, of course -- the NICU team at Woman’s Hospital are donning their gear too.