Woman's Facebook post about self-care goes viral

She's all for self-care, but it can't be the "end of the story."

Amy Weatherly is all for self-care. But, she said, that can't "be the end of the story."

She goes on to write, "The word 'self' is at the beginning of almost every single buzz word right now, and it's a problem. Self-care. Self-love. Fill your cup. Absolutely. Those things are essential to our well-being, our mental health, and our overall quality of life. But then get over yourself and pour a portion of what you've been given onto someone else who needs it."

Self-care expert and founder of Full Plate, Full Cup Amanda Baudier agrees. "Self care is a key component of an overall life strategy, but does not occur in a vacuum," she told "GMA."

Weatherly told "GMA" the reaction to her viral post has been mostly positive.

"I think most people feel the same, that we're missing something in life, and that thing is personal connection," she said. "Social media is great, but it will never be able to replace human interaction -- a hug, a smile, a friendly conversation. I am all for self-care, but what are we doing after we take care of ourselves?"

Taking care on oneself is the exact opposite of selfish, according to Baudier.

"Self care sets you up to be more generous," Baudier said. "The more people who count on you -- whether you are a parent, an executive, or both -- the more you need to take care of yourself, because your energy and example will have a vast ripple effect."

At its core, Weatherly's post is about the importance of community and helping people who need it most.

"We've all heard the 'do what makes you happy, take care of yourself, put on your oxygen mask first' message for a while now, and I can get behind it," she told "GMA." "What I can't get behind is letting that be the end of the story. Take care of yourself so you can take care of others. Fill your cup so you can pour onto someone else. Put on your oxygen mask so you can teach somebody else how to put on theirs."

"That second part is every bit as important, and I don't want it to get lost," she said.