This 4-year-old basketball prodigy nails impossible shots

Calvin Shannon also loves watching Michael Jordan documentaries.

Videos of Calvin Shannon shooting hoops have been viewed by millions after the pint-sized prodigy was recorded while nailing long shots and even baskets from his second-story window at home.

"Before he could even stand or walk he was obsessed with shooting a basketball," dad Mike Shannon of Columbus, Ohio, told "Good Morning America." "He had a heck of an arm."

Impressed by his son's form, Shannon shared videos of Calvin on YouTube and Instagram.

Famous basketball exhibition team the Harlem Globetrotters, began sharing Calvin's videos and eventually met the tike in person.

In a March 21 video posted to Twitter, Calvin’s stunned his dad by landing a near-impossible shot at a park where they live.

When he's not playing basketball, Calvin loves watching Michael Jordan documentaries and the movie, "Space Jam," his dad said.