6-year-old boy grows out his hair for 2 years, donates 14 inches to kids in need

"He's already a hero in his class," said superintendent Michael Goddard

One selfless 6-year-old has cut his long hair for kids in need.

Daniel, a kindergarten student, was inspired by his sister Rachel, 7, who donated nearly 18 inches of her own hair last year. Both children had their hair cut at the cosmetology department at Red Oak High School in Texas where their mom is a teacher.

"I'm really proud of them," Williams said. "Of course I have some bias as a mom, but I think they really have kind hearts and a love for people."

Marti Weimar, the cosmetology instructor at Red Oaks, was the one to cut Daniel's hair.

"When you have children who think of others before they think of themselves it makes you proud as a teacher and a mom," Weimar told ABC News.

Michael Goddard, Ph.D., superintendent of Red Oaks School District, said Daniel exemplifies the model student.

"I saw him this morning as we were walking in [to school] and we talked about what he did," Goddard said. "He's already a hero in his class."