Young girl delivers passionate sales pitch for Girl Scout cookies

Kadence, of Michigan, is trying to sell 2,000 cookies to win a computer.

A Girl Scout in Michigan, Kadence, recorded herself on video delivering a passionate sales pitch to help reach her goal of selling 2,000 cookies.

"Did you know we have a new cookie? It's called Toast-Yay," Kadence says in the video, referring to the Girl Scouts' new 2021 cookie. "It's French Toast-flavored. How cool is that?"

Kadence is trying to sell 2,000 cookies this year in order to win a Chromebook laptop, according to the video.

"Who wouldn't want to win a Chromebook," Kadence says. "How many cookies would you like to buy?"

In a Facebook post this week, Heykoop said that Kadence has hit the halfway point of her goal of 2,000 cookies.

Even with her now-viral sales pitch, Heykoop said that selling cookies isn't even Kadence's favorite part of the Girl Scout cookie process.

"She loves selling, but her favorite part is getting the cookies in and organizing the packages to see who gets what cookies," Heykoop told Storyful. "We always put a little thank you note with each delivery."