Prince Harry: 'Party Prince' to Officer and Gentleman
April 12, 2006 -- Prince Harry -- dubbed "The Party Prince" by some British media tabloids -- has become an officer and a gentleman and officially a British army lieutenant.
He completed 44 weeks of training today at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.
"The year at Sandhurst I think he's silenced his critics and should really be able to puff his chest out with pride," said Duncan Larcombe of The Sun, a British newspaper.
Harry's time at Sandhurst didn't start well. In the beginning, he suffered from agonizing blisters and endured a mystery virus.
"I think he spent most of the first term coughing up the nicotine from his cigarettes," Larcombe said.
Then he got the hang of it: the 6 a.m. start of his day, the route marches, ironing his own uniform. It was no mean feat for Harry, who was a tabloid reporter's dream with his proclivity for drinking, fighting and dating.
"The Harry that we see passing out of Sandhurst is a completely different character than the one we saw a year ago," Larcombe said.
He hasn't completely given up his old ways, though. Last week, Harry was spotted celebrating at a strip club. And he is joining the Household Cavalry, a regiment with a reputation for polo and champagne.
No Special Treatment for the Prince
Harry has said he doesn't want any special treatment and will go with his men wherever they are sent -- even if that means to Afghanistan or Iraq.
He is still with his girlfriend, Chelsy Davy. She arrived in London Tuesday under heavy security to wait for her prince. Tonight, they are going to a graduation ball with Harry's brother, Prince William, and his girlfriend, Kate Middleton.
William, who still has a few months left to serve as a cadet at Sandhurst, will have to salute his younger brother when their paths cross.
"Prince William and Harry are the closest of friends," said Maj. Gen. Andrew Ritchie, commandant at Sandhurst. "I'm sure they will continue to support one another whether or not one salutes the other."