Meet Career Connect: A Network for Women

Alabama's Career Connect Club is on a roll recruiting new members.

Oct. 29, 2008 — -- Club Name: Career Connect - A Network for Women from Birmingham, Ala.

Club Members:Sherry O'Toole, Jessica Dobbs, Laura Walker, Olivia Scarbrough, Kathy Parrott and Ana Martin.

Club Leader: Kathy Parrott

Where They Meet: The Mervyn Sterne Libraray at the University of Alabama-Birmingham

Kathy Parrot Tells the Story: Our career club had its first meeting yesterday at the UAB (University of Alabama Birmingham) Mervyn Sterne Library. Our main goal for yesterday was to name our group. After careful consideration, and many votes, we finally agreed (by a very narrow margin) to name our career club Career Connect -- A Network for Professional Women. We are all delighted with the name because it defines who we are and what our purpose is.

We took a small amount of time to discuss some of the areas we felt were important for us to focus on in the beginning. A few of the areas we feel will be important to address are critiquing resumes for those who have them, assisting members who do not have resumes in creating them, letter-writing, interviewing skills and personality profiling for people who need direction in their career search.At our next meeting we plan to review resumes and help people create resumes. The goal for next week is to have as much of a resume created as possible for review at the next meeting, as well as perhaps some cover or introductory letters. We also are planning to videotape the next meeting.Another of our goals was to recruit more members. Our success was immediate because we recruited the lady we pulled from the library to take our photo. After that we decided to recruit a young man to take the photos so we could include our new recruit. We have at least three new members who were not in attendance at the first meeting.

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