6 DIYs for an adorable and affordable holiday party

Brit Morin shares how to deck the halls with items you can buy on a budget.

“Good Morning America” teamed up with DIY guru Brit Morin, the founder and CEO of Brit + Co, to share her top tips and tricks to decorate for the holidays with items you can either find in your own home or buy on a budget.

Hey, hi and hello! Brit here, stopping by from Brit + Co to share a few fun and festive DIYs for your next holiday soiree.

Between gift-giving, travel, and holiday parties, *so* much money goes into the holiday season. But wanting to host a holiday party for your loved ones doesn’t have to be an added stress on your bank account. I hung out with my favorite TV hosts on "Good Morning America" to share my go-to DIYs for hosting a holiday party on the cheap.

Learn more about each DIY below -- 6 sweet and easy DIYs for a holiday party that’s easy on your wallet.

1. Play jingle bell toss

No matter the age of my guests, I find that some friendly competition *always* guarantees a memorable party. In the spirit of the season, try Jingle Bell Toss for this year’s holiday bash.

Arrange six buckets into a triangle, label each with points (I recommend 10 points for the front, 20 for the middle two, and 50 points for the back three buckets), then take turns tossing jingle bells into them from 5 or 6 feet away. That’s it!

2. Make a reindeer six-pack

Looking to add some holiday flair on the cheap? Dress up your bottled beverages in these charming reindeer get-ups!

Simply glue googly eyes and a pom-pom nose to your bottle, then twist a pipe cleaner into antlers and wrap it around the top of each bottleneck.

Adorable, right?

(MORE: 25 Days of Cookies: Taste of Home's eggnog cookies recipe)

3. Decorate with dessert

Introducing one of my favorite party desserts we’ve ever made: snow-capped cake cones! These quick and tasty treats double as decor.

Fill an ice cream cone about halfway with cake batter, place it into a microwave-safe mug, then nuke it for about 30 seconds. Trim the excess cake, let cool, then add royal icing to the tip of the cone.

I like to arrange these on a long serving platter in the center of my buffet table, then surprise my guests with their true identity at dessert ;) Check out our full snow-capped cake cones tutorial for more info.

4. Make candy cane card stands

Whether displaying place cards or labeling the buffet, these darling candy cane stands will no doubt add a touch of fun to the party table.

I simply glued two candy canes together, let them dry, then dropped my paper cards into the hook of the cane.

How easy is that?

(MORE: This family's love for 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation' is next level)

5. Proudly display your holiday card haul on these tree stands

Looking for a modern alternative to displaying all those holiday cards on a fireplace mantle or on a fridge? Made with scrap wood, push-pins, and string, these tree-shaped card displays are my new go-to holiday decor.

Before my annual holiday party, I always add my latest holiday cards and gussy it up with ornaments. Check out our tree card display tutorial for the nitty-gritty details.

6. Gift reindeer hot cocoa kits

Gift these Reindeer Hot Cocoa Kits as party favors. All reindeer everything! Add these to your bash’s goodie bags so each guest can leave with a sweet treat.

Place dry hot chocolate ingredients — cocoa mix, chocolate chips, and marshmallows — into a piping bag. And similar to the bottles above, top it off with antlers made of pipe cleaners, googly eyes, and a pom-pom nose. Easy peasy.