This golden retriever who had a maternity shoot just gave birth to her puppies and we can't handle the cuteness

We're crying happy tears.

A dog from Montana just became a proud mama after giving birth to nine adorable mini-Goldens.

Kodie, a 2-year-old golden retriever, recently welcomed five male and four female puppies.

Kodie first gained online attention for her sweet maternity photos, snapped by her owner, Chelsie Garrels.

"Kodie's a great mama, she immediately started cleaning them and nursing right away," Garrels told "Good Morning America." "She was pouting when I was taking photos because I had two of the puppies with me. She started pouting until I gave them back."

Kodie's due date was Jan. 9, but she gave birth at 3:30 a.m. on Jan. 14. Garrels said she let her sons Wyatt, 8, and Morgan, 5, play hooky so they could meet the pups.

Kodie will stay with the breeder and her puppies until they're 8 weeks old.

Several of the pups are already spoken for and one of the females will go home with Garrels' cousin, she said.