Holy cow! The internet is loving Knickers the giant steer from Australia

Holy cow! Meet Knickers the internet-famous cow from Australia

Knickers the cow is the beefy bovine you didn't know you wanted to be best friends with.

As it turns out, Knickers is no cash cow. When his owner tried to sell him for meat at a cattle auction, he was rejected by the processor for being too big, the AP reported.

One thing is certain, the cow has everyone on Twitter taking stock of the situation:

In a moo-ving fairy tale ending, Knickers will get to live in peace for the rest of his days, grazing in Lake Preston, southwest of Perth, according to the AP.

"We have a high turnover of cattle, and he was lucky enough to stay behind," owner Geoff Pearson told the AP.

Cheers, Knickers!