Level up your job search with these LinkedIn tips

Resume Builder says 1 in 4 American workers plan to quit their jobs this year.

Even though a record number of Americans quit their jobs in November, finding a new role may seem intimidating for those in pursuit of different careers.

For 29-year-old Cierra Parsley of Philadelphia, the process has been overwhelming.

“I’m not getting any calls back,” Parsley told “Good Morning America.” “I try to keep a positive energy about it, but it’s getting a little daunting.”

Parsley, who is looking to move from health care to IT project management, said she’s been searching for a new role for six months. But after 20 job applications, she said she’s only scored one phone interview.

While the search hasn’t been fruitful so far for Parsley, she said she still is motivated to keep looking.

She's frequently updating her resume to add new skills and reaching out to folks for advice about starting a new career path.

“Me stepping out of my comfort zone and networking has definitely helped me,” Parsley said.

To help Parsley and others like her who are looking at a completely new career shift, LinkedIn career expert Andrew McCaskill answered some of Parsley’s burning questions about the job search process. Read them below:

What’s the best way to start networking?

Get a warm introduction from somebody you already know. Be specific with the ask when you do make that connection. Busy people need specificity. Finally, refresh their memory. Point out something that you’ve got in common.

How to get a response from a recruiter

Don’t forget that a lot of the old rules about looking for a job still apply. Being first to respond, being highly responsive to a recruiter, sending a follow-up note. All of those things still matter.