How to Be Better, Stronger and Faster in '08

Jan. 4, 2007 — -- Though 2007 has just begun, it may already be time to scale back on your New Year's resolutions.

According to Nicole Beland, deputy editor of Women's Health magazine, making grand plans and setting life-changing goals could hinder your success. Instead, you should focus on little changes to make yourself better, stronger and faster.

Beland recently visited "Good Morning America" to share tips for how to scale back your resolutions and accomplish more in 2007.

Do It Better: Your Interview

Many people look for new jobs at the start of each year -- if you're in the market and interviewing, remember that nerves can appear off-putting and may imply that you're unqualified or not confident. To remedy this, hold a pen and notepad in your interview, which will stop your hands from shaking and makes you look organized. Plus, when you ask great questions, you can jot down the answers easily.

Do It Better: Your Morning Meeting

When you start a meeting, the first thing you should announce is how long the meeting should be. Up front, state your plan, like, "This is a 30-minute meeting to discuss..." Take advantage of the group's focus and tackle complex issues first. You save time and keep your coworkers on schedule.

Do It Better: Your Breakfast

Any health-conscious person will tell you that cereal is a great choice for a good breakfast. Take it up a notch by adding one egg (yolk and all) to the menu, prepared whichever way you like. Eating just one egg will increase your level of alertness and help you better tackle morning meetings.

Do It Faster: Your Workout

Far too many of us plod away mindlessly on the treadmill. Use interval training to slash your workout time in half. Try a five-minute cardio workout that includes a 40-second sprint pace followed by a two-minute easy pace, repeated a few times. This half-hour workout will burn fat, maintain lean muscle, boost your metabolism and most importantly, give you extra free time.

Make It Better: Your Night's Sleep

Brew a cup of herbal tea 30 minutes before bed as a calming ritual. It will switch your nervous system into sleep mode. Also try writing in a journal or do gentle stretching to wind down. Avoid the news or loud music, which will stimulate your system.

Make It Better: Your First Hour of Work

You've already walked in with your to-do list ready to go and an organized desk thanks to your productive night before. One tip for the first hour of work, however, is to avoid e-mail if you can. Your energy is at its peak when you enter the office and if you distract yourself from the tasks at hand, you can lose momentum. Cross some things off your list, read documents and papers, then type away.

Make It Stronger: Your Last Hour of Work

To make the best use of your time in 2007, use the last hour of your day to prepare for the next day's work. Avoid scheduling appointments or meetings late in the day so you can map out your to-do list and clean off your desk. That means file it, rule on it, do it or trash it. This way you start the next day with a clean slate and a tight to-do list.