Is Your Teen Abusing Drugs?

Learn the warning signs of substance abuse.

Feb. 2, 2009 — -- Erin Brockovich is an environmental crusader made famous by Julia Roberts' portrayal of her in a 2000 film that bears the legal clerk's name. And though Brockovich has tackled big businesses with success, she found helping her teenage daughter battle a drug addiction problem just as difficult as taking on any energy giant.

After a rehabilitation stint at Visions, an adolescent treatment center, 17-year-old Elizabeth Brockovich now is in recovery.

Substance Abuse Warning Signs

Frequently tardy or truant from school?

Losing motivation, energy, and self-discipline?

Losing interest in activities and hobbies?

Increasingly forgetful -- short or long-term?

Having trouble paying attention and concentrating?

Expressing anger, hostility or irritability?

Depressed or withdrawn from emotions?

Argumentative with you and/or siblings?

Unable to explain extra money or "new" items they have?

Experiencing unusual mood swings?

Dropping old friends and secretive about new ones?

Unhealthy in appearance, e.g. bloodshot eyes?

Inattentive about personal hygiene?

In trouble with the law, in or out of school?

Eating much more or much less than usual?

Occupied with drug-related graphics and slogans?

Irregular sleeping habits?

In possession of pipes, small boxes, baggies, rolling papers, cold medicine, empty aerosol cans, etc?