Walking Small: There's a New Sheriff in Town

Kentucky boy tracks locals speeding through his neighborhood.

July 18, 2008 — -- Landon Wilburn of Louisville, Ky. has a thing that's called "radar love." Fed up with drivers speeding through his neighborhood, the 11-year old uses his Hot Wheels toy radar gun to police his neighborhood.

About a month ago, he put on an orange safety vest, took a battery-powered flashlight with a built-in siren, and along with his radar gun, he hit the road.

"I got the vest from my dad, and then the radar gun I got from somebody else ... we made a trade for it," Landon said today on "Good Morning America."

Landon had heard adults talking about the high volume of speeders on his street and the city's sluggish plan to install speed bumps. "I wanted to help the community, to help people slow down," he said. And so once or twice a week, he points his radar at speeders. Landon says he's clocked cars doing close to 40 in a 25-mph zone.

"When I saw it happening, I got the biggest kick out of it," George Ayers, who lives near the Wilburns, told The Louisville Courier-Journal. "People were locking up their brakes when they saw him."

Landon and his mother, Julia Wilburn, visited the "GMA" studios, where Landon was able to clock the speeds of Times Square drivers. He said the fastest cars sped through the Square at around 30 mph.

"He's very creative and thoughtful; such a blessing," Julia told "GMA's" Chris Cuomo about her son. "He's always looking for ways to make a difference." The oldest of Julia's four sons, she said he's always had an interest in safety.

So is a career in law enforcement in Landon's future? He told "GMA" that he's interested in more than just policing traffic, and that he's been thinking about a career in law enforcement for three years or so.

Does his radar gun slow down traffic? "Some slow down, but some just don't care. They just go right by," said Landon.

But this young man could have a bright future in law enforcement.

"I commend him on his commitment," said Chief Robert White of the Louisville Police Department. But, "I encourage him to put his law enforcement efforts on hold for the next 10 or 20 years. I think he'll make a great applicant."