Conduct Your Own Year-End Inventory

Dec. 28, 2006 — -- The end of the year is an ideal time to do a personal inventory.

Before going into 2007, take some time to acknowledge the accomplishments and lessons of 2006, and identify some new goals for the coming year.

Below is a personal inventory checklist based on life coach Cheryl Richardson's tips. Save and print the list to help you do your own inventory.

Gather together photos, journals, calendars and date books (or PDA entries) to help jar your memory as you review the year.

Start a year-end inventory notebook and, using a news analogy, review the materials above and ask yourself, "What were the headlines for 2006? What was the good news? What were the inspiring stories, accomplished goals, important events, life-changing decisions?"

As you're adding to your notebook, remember lessons to be learned. Learn from the reality of what happened and what did not happen. Ask yourself, "What was the bad news? What didn't you accomplish that felt important? What were the setbacks, failures or disappointing decisions?"

Use your news to improve your life. Choose one success from the information you gathered and continue to build on it in 2007. (For example: You eliminated debt in 2006 and now you'll create a savings/investment plan for the coming year.)

Choose one mistake that you'll plan to avoid next year. (For example: Get support from a career counselor or complete a resume to finally move on from a dead-end job.)

Ask yourself how you can stop from repeating whatever mistakes you felt you made in 2006. Note ways to avoid setbacks in 2007 and look forward to the new year.