The Flavor Point Diet, Special Indulgence Day: Chocolate

Jan. 29, 2006 — -- "Good Morning America" medical contributor Dr. David Katz has come up with a diet that promises to let people eat all their favorite foods and still lose weight.

After conducting extensive research at the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, Katz found that by following flavor themes each week, dieters could reach the flavor point at which they'd feel completely satisfied and full.

Combining his medical knowledge with his wife's expertise -- she is a neuroscientist as well as a gourmet cook -- Katz has created a diet that he says will result in people eating less not because they are starving themselves but because they feel full.

Special Indulgence Day: Chocolate Day


1 Banana-Chocolate Chip Soft Wheat Muffin

6 oz hot cocoa (6 oz hot fat-free milk with 2 Tbsp Ghirardelli sweet ground chocolate and cocoa)

Midmorning Snack

Chocolate chip trail mix (1 Tbsp raisins, 1 Tbsp semisweet chocolate chips, and 3 whole almonds)


Chocolate and Banana Grilled Panini

1 cup fat-free milk

Mid-afternoon Snack

Strawberries Dipped in Dark Chocolate

Dinner for Four

Chicken with Chocolate Port Wine Sauce

1 lb sautéed fresh baby spinach

Dessert for Four (optional)

Chocolate Brownies (page 232); 1 brownie per person

Daily Nutrition Facts

1,500 calories: 28 percent from fat (11 percent from sat fat), 20 percent from protein, 49 percent from carbohydrate; 29 g fiber, 146 mg cholesterol, 1,537 mg sodium