Holiday Gifts She'll Love

Dec. 11, 2005 — -- Choosing the right gift for a special woman in your life -- whether it's your wife, mother, sister, girlfriend or best friend -- is never easy. So "Good Morning America Weekend Edition" turned to Mistrella Murphy of Lucky magazine for some advice. Here are her suggestions.

Fur Trapper Hat by Calvin Klein, $138

This hat is perfect for the fashion-conscious woman who needs to keep her head warm. You can get a little bit of luxury without totally breaking the bank.

Back to Basics Egg and Muffin Toaster, $39.99

This is the perfect gift for a multi-tasking, busy woman. It makes a complete breakfast sandwich in just four minutes. It poaches the egg, toasts the muffin and fries the bacon all at once. But you have to think about the recipient, because this is an appliance, and you don't want to offend her. However, if she's into appliances and she's a busy girl, this is perfect.

'Memoirs of a Geisha' Beauty Collection by Fresh, $125

Movie critics are giving the movie great reviews, and we're giving this new line from Fresh two thumbs up as well. The makeup is inspired by the film. The set includes a bath product, a rice face wash, a face mask and a perfume that has a lovely scent and isn't too strong.

Cashmere Robe by Loungewear Betty, $357

Anything cashmere is always a good bet, and this is particularly indulgent. Who doesn't want to be pampered when lounging around the house? Plus, this robe has a hood -- a cashmere hood.

Shearling Hobo Bag by Gap, $34.50

Shearling is all the rage this year. It really started last year with Ugg boots, and we're seeing it continue last season. This bag has faux shearling, which keeps the price down and makes it politically correct. And, it's in the hobo style that is trendy this year.

iH5 iPod Alarm Clock by iHome, $99.95

Everyone knows someone who wants an iPod or who already has an iPod, and this is a great gift to follow up with. It fits all iPod sizes. You stick your iPod in and you can set it to wake you up in the morning. You can create a playlist to ease you out of bed.

Diamonds, Diamonds, Diamonds by Martin Katz, $2,700-$4,500

You can never go wrong with diamonds. These diamonds are from Martin Katz, who counts actresses Gwyneth Paltrow and Rene Russo among his fans. He's known for setting each stone by hand. He's very tasteful, so this has no chintzy, over-the-top bling. This gift is guaranteed to impress, and it's perfect who the woman who's been on your "nice list" all year.