On taps Zendaya for multi-year partnership centered on movement, storytelling

Zendaya and On plan to drive meaningful conversations around well-being.

Zendaya is an award-winning actress, fashion icon, and now she's one of On's latest brand partners.

The "Challengers" star was tapped by the athletic brand for a multi-year partnership centered around movement and storytelling.

To jumpstart the partnership, a cinematic short film starring Zendaya and directed by C Prinz was released that focuses on a conversation about how movement brings people together.

"I owe so much to the people around me for getting me to where I am, and this film recognizes and appreciates those who support and uplift us every day," said Zendaya in a statement. "I think this feeling of collaboration and inclusiveness shines through in what we've created."

Prinz also noted that sport and movement connect people of diverse backgrounds.

"We've been massive admirers of Zendaya's ability to inspire a generation and dream big," David Allemann, On's co-founder, said in a statement. "We can't think of a better partner to help us grow, evolve and connect with people around the world than Zendaya. This film is the beginning of more stories to come and we are eager to bring in new and distinctive voices alongside Zendaya to continue our mission to dream together."

Zendaya said in a press release that she's been a longtime fan of the brand and has worn it everywhere from running around with her dog to rehearsals on set. She added the making the On partnership official felt like a "full-circle moment."