This viral TikTok is a must-watch before your next hotel stay

From staying clean to staying safe, this video has it all.

Summer's almost over and despite the travel limitations placed on the public by COVID-19, many are anxious to hit the road.

Kat Kamalani, a flight attendant from Salt Lake City, Utah, knows a thing or two about hotel stays. Her TikTok on tips for hotel check-ins has gone viral and is a must-watch if a hotel stay is in your future.

From staying safe to checking for bed bugs, the video has been watched almost 6 million times. It covers all the basics and some things most people never think of.

"They never thought about the decor items [bedspread, decorative pillows] not getting washed," Kamalani said of the tip that most surprised people. "I wanted to give some tips to my followers on how to make your stay at a hotel more functional and clean."

And she wants people to stay safe during hotel stays.

"People aren’t aware of their surroundings," Kamalani told "GMA." "[They're] not making sure they are safe and their loved ones [are too]. Always check the room and around you before you get settled."