Frequently Asked Questions: Warm Coat, Warm Hearts

— -- Below are some facts and answers to frequently asked questions about the Warm Coats and Warm Hearts Drive partnership between Burlington Coat Factory, "Good Morning America," and One Warm Coat.

Quick Facts:

What qualifies as "gently worn"? Coats with working closures, and no rips or stains.

Dates: We are accepting donations between Dec. 6 and Jan. 31.

Where can coat donations be dropped off? Coats can be dropped off at any Burlington Coat Factory Store. You can use the store locator at or click here.

Answering Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I go to make a donation?

Your gently worn coats can be dropped off at any Burlington Coat Factory store between Dec. 6 and Jan. 31. To find a store near you, you can use the store locator at or click here. Donated coats will be distributed to those in need in our communities. Burlington customers who donate can receive a donor receipt for their tax return.

How are the coats distributed?

One Warm Coat will distribute the donated coats to those in need through more than 100 local service organizations from coast to coast.

Why do you give the coats to a charity instead of individuals in need?

We want to make sure that those in need in our community benefit from the Warm Coats and Warm Hearts Drive, and we feel that our local charities have the expertise to better assess where the donated coats are needed the most.

If an organization or agency would like to refer names of people who are in need of donated coats:

Please contact One Warm Coat at and they will assist you with your request.

If an individual would like to refer names of people who are in need of donated coats:

One Warm Coat with match Burlington store locations with local organizations who will distribute the coats. You can contact One Warm Coat at Click here to see a list of organizations that will benefit from the Warm Coats and Warm Hearts Drive.

Are you waiting until the end of the drive to distribute the donated coats?

No. Donated coats will be picked up by local organizations throughout the drive period. It is very important that these coats will be on people, not sitting in boxes, so One Warm Coat qualified all participating organizations to ensure they were able to pick up the coats throughout the drive.