The birthday card you should write to yourself every year

"A birthday, and every day, is a perfect time to introspect."

Birthdays are usually a time to write a card to a friend or family member, but have you ever thought of writing a card to yourself?

"A birthday, and everyday, is a perfect time to introspect," she said. "To look at the past year, to see where you were, to see what you want but more so to be where you are."

When Young turned 33 earlier this month, she shared her birthday letter to herself with her followers, to encourage them to take stock of where they are too.

"My letters to me are about introspection so that I can continue moving forward to create the life I want to live," she said. "Starting where I am now."

Read Young's birthday letter to herself below.

My 32nd year brought lots of introspection. Lessons so loud I couldn't ignore their truth.

I learned self-love and understanding. I embraced my body, turned my confidence on and took my clothes off. It took me 32 years, two glasses of wine and two semi-naked photo shoots to see my body, to feel sexy in my skin.

Without judgment. I was so proud, I had to share me! Sharing it was me embracing this vessel as a result of all the hard work I put in, much more than physical but spiritual, nutritional, mental, emotional.

At 32, I confronted my lonely. Surrounded by many but often feeling so alone, a sentiment most can relate to.

I realized just recently that I use social media to cope. To fill that void. Instagram, my blog, is how I share my truth. It gives me someone (7000 someones) to share with.

Albeit sometimes simple: A new snack, a sweaty selfie, a good outfit, a new recipe. It also showed me that I'd rather be alone and lonely than in a relationship that makes me feel lonely. I've done that. It hurts deeper.

At 32, I embraced being a boss. It took me two years in business to take charge and not let myself get taken for. I'm definitely the boss. It feels good.

I've realized that nothing changes if nothing changes.

People reveal themselves quickly. Watch. Listen. Learn.

It is not your responsibility to fix other people's broken. First, fix your own.

Time does heal all if you let it, if you make space for healing.

Agenda for 33? More content! A podcast, a book, more recipes! More snacks! A bigger business, a leotard line, a bigger team, a bigger life.

More family, happiness, fun. Move love! Living not existing.

Working hard to live young. To love myself. To learn myself. To show myself and keep sharing.